When it works as it should, you can’t knock the Vortex home sewage treatment plant that the previous owners installed. It works brilliantly. In three years, however, we have learnt …
muck munchers
Over the course of June we received a number of questions and follow ups from readers asking about the performance of our Vortex home sewage treatment plant after we had …
We are very pleased to announce the winners of our Muck Munchers giveaway that we ran earlier this year, and would like to thank everyone for entering.
We have been using Muck Munchers for three months to restore the health of our home sewage treatment plant. Our second set of lab results have returned so if you …
We had our suspicions that the effluent in our home sewage treatment tank was not as healthy as it should be, and the recent lab results we received support this. …
We’ve seen a lot of awareness in the press in recent years about good gut health, but when you live as rural as we do then the health of your …