We are very excited about our orchard this year – the trees are entering their third season and to this point we’ve been thinning out the fruit to help the trees …
Our first-ever vegetable and fruit growing season is coming to an end, and we get around to staking our apple trees and giving all our fruit trees an Ecoworm Soil …
We thinned out the amount of apples on our trees earlier this year to help them establish, and it was really exciting to pick our first apples today from the …
When we undertook to plant our little orchard, we knew there’d be a learning curve, but we didn’t expect it to be so steep, so quick. We knew we’d have …
Given that we live in the UK, I never thought I’d be thankful to see some rain. It’s the first decent rainfall we’ve had in six weeks (after the hottest …
Our orchard has been in for three weeks, and we’ve put together a video that shows the progress of our newly planted trees and what you can expect.
With the social distancing measures associated with Covid-19, our local garden centre has been running a 50% sale on its fruit trees to get rid of mounting stock. We took …