We eat a lot of homemade soup throughout the year, and my personal favourite is creamy carrot and tomato, especially when all the produce comes from our vegetable garden.
We had a good pumpkin haul last year and we’ve been steadily getting through them. The pumpkins are regularly used in curries, it’s a staple topping for our Saturday homemade …
The signs that the summer is coming to an end are evident in our vegetable garden, but the cucumbers and leeks are still going strong, so it was the perfect …
With storm Ellen keeping us indoors today, we made marrow, potato and sage soup. We had some fun doing it and recorded it in this Instagram video. Enjoy.
Our courgettes in the vegetable garden are currently producing vast quantities of fruit, so we’re going to share our easy-to-make, exceptionally tasty courgette soup recipe with you.
We had our first bumper harvest of spinach this week, a variety called Trumpet F1 that we grew from seed, and we used it to make spinach soup.
The lovage in our herb garden has exploded. Lovage is like supercharged celery in terms of taste (with a hint of aniseed), so here’s my lovage soup recipe, which is …