It’s been an odd year weather-wise, and after a cloudy and cool May, the summer looks like it has finally arrived and our vegetables can finally start growing. When the warm weather finally arrived (about 10 days) ago, we moved our remaining veg from the cold frame to the raised beds.
Looking at our photos, by this stage last year our beds were green and things were growing quickly. I reckon we’re about three weeks behind schedule and we’ve got our fingers crossed that the temperatures maintain now well into August so that we can get decent harvests.
The one thing we have an abundance of at the moment is lettuce – we grew them in our grow tunnels so at least we’ve got a steady supply of leafy greens for lunch. Our carrots are also coming along nicely, and the potatoes are thriving. But for everything else (beans, peas, cucumbers, courgettes, pumpkins, kale, celeriac and chard) it’s a game of catch up.
The weather forecast is predicating a long spell of warm weather which is great, but little rain, so we’re having to regularly water the beds to ensure that everything keeps growing. We’re also on a strict schedule of adding Ecoworm to ensure that all our veg are getting the nourishment that they need for the growing season ahead.
The gallery includes images of our veg at the moment, and it’ll be interesting to compare this to what they’ll look like in three weeks time as we go onto July.